Emotion AI Media Analytics Ad Testing AI

Ensuring Emotional Resonance in Advertising: Insights from Repeat Viewings and Brand Cues

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Maintaining Emotional Resonance Across Multiple Viewings

In the world of advertising, creating an emotionally resonant ad is only part of the challenge. Ensuring that the ad continues to evoke strong emotional responses upon repeat viewings is equally important. In a recent podcast episode, we spoke with Lynne Deason, head of Creative Excellence at Kantar, who provided us with some valuable insights into how Affectiva's Emotion AI technology helps achieve this.

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The Importance of Repeat Exposure Testing

One key strategy is exposing viewers to the ad multiple times and capturing their facial reactions during each viewing. This approach helps determine if the emotional impact of the ad holds up over time. Deason explains that by contrasting responses between the first and subsequent exposures, advertisers can gain crucial insights. For instance, if the ad contains a joke, they can observe whether viewers still smile the second time they hear it. This repeat exposure testing reveals if the ad's humor remains effective or if it falls flat on subsequent viewings.

Understanding Complex Ads

For ads that require more cognitive effort to understand, repeat exposure testing is particularly valuable. Deason cautions against making ads too complex, as viewers generally do not invest significant effort in deciphering them. However, if an ad does require deeper reflection, repeat exposure testing can show whether viewers' facial reactions change on the second viewing. This helps advertisers determine if the initial confusion gives way to understanding, indicating that the ad's message has been successfully communicated.

Crucial Brand Cues for High Recognition

Achieving high levels of brand recognition and emotional engagement is essential for the commercial success of an ad. Deason discusses the importance of brand cues in creating lasting associations with the brand. One standout example is McDonald's "Raise Your Arches" campaign. In this campaign, McDonald's cleverly used the imagery of raised eyebrows to evoke their iconic golden arches, even though the brand itself did not appear until the end of the ad. This creative use of brand cues ensured that viewers instantly associated the ad with McDonald's, demonstrating the power of subtle but effective branding.

Effective Brand Integration

To ensure that an ad's emotional impact translates into commercial success, it is crucial to integrate the brand seamlessly into the ad's most memorable moments. This concept, referred to as the "creative magnifier," involves connecting the brand to the part of the ad that viewers are most likely to remember. Additionally, the ad's message should align with existing perceptions and feelings about the brand, avoiding any dissonance. For example, Cadbury's campaigns focusing on generosity are effective because they resonate with the brand's long-standing association with kindness and giving.

Unique Impressions and Brand Exclusivity

Finally, creating unique impressions that only the brand can own is a powerful way to strengthen brand recognition. Ads should communicate messages that are distinctly tied to the brand, making it impossible for competitors to replicate. This uniqueness helps solidify the brand's identity in the minds of consumers, fostering long-term loyalty and preference.

The Bottom Line

In the ever-evolving landscape of advertising, maintaining emotional resonance and strong brand recognition are critical to success. Affectiva's Emotion AI technology, combined with strategic approaches like repeat exposure testing and effective brand cue integration, empowers advertisers to create ads that not only capture attention but also leave a lasting impact. By understanding and leveraging these insights, brands can ensure that their ads resonate emotionally with viewers, driving both engagement and commercial outcomes.

Stay tuned for more insights into how Emotion AI is transforming advertising and helping brands connect with consumers on a deeper level.


Emotion AI Media Analytics Ad Testing AI