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Leveraging Insights from Award-Winning Ads for Future Success


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As we continue our exploration of the trends and insights from Kantar’s Creative Effectiveness Awards, we turn our attention to how brands can apply these lessons to enhance their own advertising strategies. Vera Sidlova, Global Creative Thought Leadership Director at Kantar, shares her thoughts on leveraging these insights and the challenges that lie ahead in the world of advertising.

Applying Learnings from the Best

Brands are at various stages of their journey, each facing unique challenges. Vera emphasizes the importance of looking at award-winning ads as a source of inspiration and a benchmark for success.

"When I talk to clients, different brands are at different parts of their journey... But in general, what I think looking at ads that won in the eyes of consumers, what that can do is put up a little bit of a mirror and then you can think about where's my work in this?" Vera explains.

By examining these top-performing ads, brands can assess their own work through two lenses: fundamentals and trends. Are they adhering to the core principles of effective advertising? Are they incorporating the latest trends that resonate with consumers? This dual approach can help brands refine their strategies, ensuring they stand out and connect deeply with their audience.

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Inspiration Across Categories

One of the inspiring aspects of this year's winners is the diversity of categories represented. From a virtual city in Saudi Arabia to an eyewear provider, and from chocolate brands to beverage companies, no industry is left out. This diversity underscores that every brand can learn from these examples, finding elements that apply to their unique context.

The Road Ahead: Trends and Challenges

Looking to the future, Vera identifies several key trends and challenges that will shape the advertising landscape.

  1. Consumer Expectations and Brand Values
    • Consumers are increasingly vocal and have high expectations regarding brand values. Brands must navigate this sensitive terrain carefully, ensuring their messages align with consumers' beliefs. Courage, when grounded in both the brand and consumer values, can pay off, but it requires careful management.

  2. Evolving Media Strategies
    • The media landscape continues to grow more complex. Brands must tailor their strategies to different platforms, understanding the nuances of each. Whether it’s TikTok, Snapchat, or emerging platforms, creating content that resonates with the specific audience of each channel is crucial.

  3. Content that Connects
    • As more platforms emerge and consumer expectations rise, the importance of creating desirable, engaging content becomes paramount. Ads that do not feel like interruptions but rather enhance the viewer's experience will be more successful.
The Power of Creativity

If there's one takeaway from this discussion, it's the immense power of creative advertising. Vera highlights that better creative can deliver four times the return on marketing investment compared to low-quality creative. "Creative can bring new people to your brand and you shouldn't underestimate its potential," she states.

Learn More

For those looking to dive deeper into the insights from Kantar’s Creative Effectiveness Awards, Vera recommends checking out the booklet and webinar available through Kantar’s platforms. These resources provide detailed information on the winners, the reasons behind their success, and links to the award-winning ads.

The Bottom Line:

As brands navigate the evolving landscape of advertising, leveraging insights from top-performing ads can provide valuable guidance. By balancing fundamental principles with innovative trends, brands can create compelling ads that resonate deeply with consumers. The future of advertising will undoubtedly bring new challenges and opportunities, but with creativity and strategic thinking, brands can continue to thrive.

Media Analytics Emotional Ad Testing Ad Testing AI