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5 Key Trends in Effective Advertising: Insights from Kantar Awards



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The landscape of advertising is ever-evolving, influenced by shifting consumer behaviors, new media channels, and global events. Despite these changes, some fundamental principles remain constant. Recently, Vera Sidlova, Global Creative Thought Leadership Director at Kantar, joined us to discuss the latest advertising trends observed from the winners of Kantar’s Creative Effectiveness Awards. Here are the key trends that emerged and how they are shaping the future of effective advertising.

The Balance of Fundamentals and Trends

Vera highlighted the dual nature of advertising effectiveness: while many aspects evolve rapidly, certain fundamentals remain steadfast. "On one hand, it feels like the rules of the game are completely changing. On the other hand, you've got certain things that are fundamental, so if your ads don't do certain things, it's going to be hard for them to succeed."

This balance between adhering to foundational principles and adapting to new trends is crucial for creating impactful ads. Kantar’s focus on identifying these trends provides valuable insights for brands aiming to rise above the competition.

5 Key Trends in Effective Advertising

From the array of winning ads, five prominent trends emerged, each contributing to the ads' effectiveness and creativity.

#1 - Bravery in Messaging

Being bold in communication is a standout trend. Brands that took risks by addressing unexpected topics or presenting their products in unconventional ways captured attention and resonated with audiences. Whether it’s a brand making a daring statement or creatively omitting their product, bravery in advertising pays off.

#2 - Powerful Use of Hyperbole

Known as "catastrophizing," this trend involves using exaggeration to evoke strong emotions and convey messages more effectively. Affectiva’s Emotion AI plays a critical role here, measuring how these exaggerated elements impact viewers’ emotions and memory. Ads that excel in this category successfully create an emotional experience rather than just delivering information.

#3 - Authenticity and Realism

In stark contrast to hyperbole, another trend focuses on authenticity. Ads portraying real-life scenarios, even those that are uncomfortable or unconventional, stood out. This candidness resonates with audiences tired of the artificial portrayals common on social media, providing a refreshing and relatable perspective.

#4 - Consistency Over Time

Building a strong brand identity through consistent messaging is timeless. Many winning ads demonstrated this by sticking to a core idea and evolving it over time. This approach ensures brand recognition and loyalty, proving that consistency remains a cornerstone of effective advertising.

#5 - Humor and Entertainment

Humor is making a comeback, with many ads leveraging it to engage and entertain audiences. Whether through lighthearted storytelling or outright comedy, these ads make viewers laugh, thereby creating positive associations with the brand. Humor also helps in tackling sensitive topics, making them more approachable.
Standout Examples of Effective Ads

Vera shared several examples of winning ads that embodied these trends, highlighting their creative and effective approaches.

  • Cadbury’s Heartwarming Realism
    A touching ad from Cadbury in South Africa showcased a son giving chocolate to his dad for his first day at work. This candid portrayal of a real-life situation resonated deeply with viewers, illustrating the power of authenticity.

  • Royal Enfield’s Emotional Connection
    Breaking away from typical automotive ads, Royal Enfield’s campaign focused on the emotional bond between people and their motorcycles. By not showcasing the bike’s features and instead highlighting the community around it, the ad created a strong emotional impact.

  • TENA MAN’s Humorous Approach
    Addressing male incontinence with humor, TENA MAN’s ad managed to discuss a sensitive topic in an engaging way. The light-hearted approach made the subject approachable, demonstrating humor’s potential to tackle taboo topics effectively.
The Bottom Line

The trends identified from Kantar’s Creative Effectiveness Awards offer valuable lessons for brands looking to enhance their advertising strategies. By balancing fundamental principles with innovative trends, brands can create ads that not only capture attention but also build lasting emotional connections with their audiences. Stay tuned for more insights as we continue to explore the evolving world of advertising and creativity.

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