Emotion Technology Emotion Recognition Emotion AI

Future Reflections on the Developing Emotion Economy

Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence AI

AI: It May Not Take Over the World, But Definitely Our Day-To-Day Lives

SDK Emotion AI For Developers

Affectiva Behind the Curtain: Q&A with our Tech Team

Emotion-enabled SDK Toys

SDK on the Spot: Bringing LEGO toys to Life with Emotion in AR

SDK Robotics

Humanizing Robots with Emotion AI

SDK Emotion Artificial Intelligence Emotion AI Robotics

SDK on the Spot: Roboy Social Robot Features Emotion AI

Advertising Emotion Creative Agencies

Overcoming Buyer Indifference through Deviation & Emotional Impact

Emotion Analytics Emotion Technology Emotion Recognition SDK

SDK On the Spot: Emotion Hero Project Encourages Play with Facial Expressions

Emotion AI

CB Insights Reveals the AI 100 List At The Innovation Summit

Emotion AI

Announcing Affectiva Partnership with IBM Watson AI XPRIZE®

Emotion-enabled Advertising Emotion Recognition Creative Agencies Emotion AI

20 Awesome Emotion-Enabled Campaign Ideas

Emotion-enabled Emotion-aware Artificial Intelligence Automotive

Driving Your Emotions: How Emotion AI Powers a Safer and More Personalized Car

Emotion Technology Emotion Recognition SDK Emotion AI AI

Emotion Technology Year in Review: Affectiva in 2016

Emotion-enabled Emotion Technology Emotion Recognition SDK Emotional Engagement Emotion Emotion-aware

Emotions at Play: The Potential for Emotion-Enabled Toys


Use Case: Add Emotion Tech to Games With Branching Choices

SDK Emotion AI

Loving Your Brand

Responsive Gaming SDK Gaming

Tutorial: Get Emotion Data from your next Mobile Playtest

Emotion Intelligence Facial Coding Science

The Emotion Behind Facial Expressions

Responsive Gaming SDK

SDK On the Spot: SYNC Game Controlled by User Emotions

Responsive Gaming Gaming

Emotions in Gaming: Passive vs. Interactive Experiences

Emotion Recognition Gaming

Emotion Technology Brings New “Feel” to Online eSports for Spectators

Emotion-enabled Emotion Technology SDK

SDK on the Spot: True Emoji Key App Reads, Communicates with Emotions

Emotion Technology Emotion Recognition SDK

Looking for Love in Online Places: Emotion for Dating Apps

Emotion-enabled Emotion Technology Emotional Intelligence

Making Your Marketing Crazy Effective with Emotion

Emotion Technology SDK Internship EMPATH

Javascript Emotion SDK for YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch API

Emotion-enabled Emotion Technology Emotion Intelligence SDK Emotion AI

Emotion AI for Chat Bots: The Next Wave of Artificial Intelligence

Advertising Affdex Emotional Engagement Market Research

Eliciting and Measuring Emotional Response to Static Images: The Wild Animal Study

SDK Emotion-aware Emotion AI

Emotions In Your Web Browser

Emotion-enabled Responsive Gaming Emotion-aware Emotion AI Gaming

Finding the Essence of Fear in Nevermind

Emotion-aware Emotion AI Gaming Biofeedback

Why We Need Emotionally Sensitive Games

Emotion-enabled SDK Video Communications Emotion AI

Emotion-Enabled Video Communications

Emotion Intelligence Emotion Recognition Artificial Intelligence

5 Reasons Why Artificial Intelligence Needs Emotion

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Hackathon Emotion-aware

Emotion Lab ‘16 Recap

Emotion Analytics Emotion-enabled Hackathon Emotion Recognition Emotion-aware

Emotions make the world go round

Emotion Lab Hackathon Emotional Intelligence AI

Emotion Lab ’16 – Day One

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Emotion Recognition Emotion-aware Artificial Intelligence AI

The Emotion Aware AI Machines of the Future

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Emotion Recognition Emotion-aware Artificial Intelligence AI

Deliver on the Promise of Responsive Gaming with Emotion Recognition Software

Emotion-enabled Deep Learning Affdex SDK Artificial Intelligence

3 New Emotion Tech Features That Will Boost Your Digital Experiences

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Emotion Recognition

How to Emotion-Enable Your App

Emotion Analytics Creative Process Emotion Recognition Creative Agencies

Emotions and the Creative Process: Anytime, Anywhere

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Emotional Intelligence

The Promise of Emotion-Enabled Augmented Reality (AR)

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Emotion Recognition Science

Pushing the Boundaries: 5 Reasons Why You Should Work at a Startup If You’re into Innovation and Research

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Emotion Recognition Emotion-aware Personalization

The Mood-Aware Internet of Things

Emotion Intelligence Emotional Engagement Emotion

Inside Out sparks a dialogue around emotions

Emotion Analytics Machine Learning Science

How to Teach a Machine to Recognize Emotions (part 2)

Emotion Analytics Science

How to Teach a Machine to Recognize Emotions (Part 1)

Emotion-enabled Affdex SDK Emotion Intelligence Emotion

Emotions as Feedback Versus Control

Emotion Analytics Affdex Emotional Engagement

The Fine Line of Sentimental Advertising

Affdex SDK Emotion Intelligence Affdex Mobile

Your Heart On Your Sleeve

Emotion Analytics Advertising Affdex Emotional Engagement

Why Monty waddled into first place